Tagged with guichard


Guichards i drømmeland

1,758 views December 02, 2014

Mens verdens topp 44 surfere herjet en time lenger nord, fikk Joackim og Luca Guichard ha...



384 views October 30, 2013

November and Desember are two prime months for the Atlantic swell off the coast of Morocco. Fri...


A beautiful guy

269 views October 30, 2013

He´s hot, the girls dig him, and he surfs too. Luca Petersen Guichard is a beautiful guy.


Nordic Surf Diaries trailer

416 views October 30, 2013

Se traileren til Nordic Surf Diaries av Medvind Productions ved Hans Kristian Waarum. Med i...


Ombord med tvillingene Guichard

278 views October 30, 2013

Bli med ombord surfbrettene til de norske surfetvillingene Luca og Joackim Petersen Guichard....


Volcom Codfish 2009

275 views October 30, 2013

Se Chris Westerstrom sin film fra Volcom Codfish 2009.